The “5 x 5 Review” Happy Holiday on this the longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice! Celebrated in the northern hemisphere marking the start of winter and the return of the light, this year is special. 2018 coincides with both a full moon AND a meteor shower! Darkness and light, each need the other. Extreme darkness allows the light to feel more precious, providing the setting for a single flame to illuminate the night. Without darkness, we cannot fully appreciate the importance of one small flame of Light. It’s the contrasts in our lives that provide the opportunities for growth and discovery.

As Christmas nears and the year ends, my hope for you is that you gift yourself quiet time to consider these 5 important questions. Brendon Burchard my coach and mentor, taught me to step back at the end of each year and ask yourself these thoughtful inquiries called “Five by Five”, give 5 answers to each of these 5 questions:
1. What 5 things I am grateful for in 2018? And 3 things I missed appreciating this year
2. What 5 things I struggled with the most this year? What is 1 way I could have handled each better
3. What 5 things I need to let go of or forgive myself for from 2018? Who else deserves some forgiveness or greater appreciation from me?
4. What 5 things I achieved this year that I’m proud of? What are 3 more things I could have achieved if I trusted myself more?
5. What are 5 things I’ll remind myself of that I can succeed more in the next 12 months? What 3 things I need someone else to tell me?
Give yourself the gift of introspection, surround yourself with quiet darkness and recognize more clearly the brilliance of your Light.
Happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas and Many blessings in the New Year! I am grateful for each of you and I am honored to bring a little light into the darkness.
Love, Patti

At Last!
The Kindle version of my new book, Creating A Culture Of Care is FINALLY available for the special low rate of $.99!
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Happy Holidays and Happy reading!
Many blessings,
Patti Moore