Even in a year in which I’d stretched myself past what I thought were my limits, October was the most intense month of growth I could imagine. There were days I felt like my brain might actually explode (fortunately for those around me, it didn’t.)
My October quest began with a question; How is the world beyond hospice using new technology to get their messages out in powerful, meaningful ways? I began the journey at Mel Abraham’s Thought Leader Academy. Mel is a CPA who helps people from across the world put their special genius into a framework that’s simple to explain and share with others. With 35 years of hospice and leadership experience I realized the things that I know and take for granted are unique – and I’m learning to bring them to a broader audience. For an idea of what thought Frameworks can do, think of how the pyramid graphic makes Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs simple to understand.

Patti and Mel Abraham at the Though Leader Academy in L.A.

Next, I spent time with my voice coach Roger Love in Hollywood. I’m often asked, “Why do you need a voice coach?” Yes, Roger works with singers and actors on their singing voices (think Bradley Cooper for A Star Is Born), but his real joy is working with regular folks like me. He has helped me discover my “voice”; not so much the sounds I make, but the voice of my heart and soul, the “voice” that I want to use to positively impact the world.
Roger Love coaching me on my stage performance!

Roger Love with his Platinum and Gold records in his office

Then on to the Big Apple and Brendon Burchard’s Mastermind. Wow, I had to tie my socks on for this one. Brendon is changing the world, as an author of six bestselling books and a personal development coach to some of the world’s most influential people; Oprah, Presidents Bush and Clinton, Usher and me (ha!) The small group of international members who attended was as impressive as Brendon himself, all burning to make a difference in the world. Brendon challenged us to think big - I’m thinking BIG- and it was exhilarating!
Patti and Brendon Burchard

I finished off my tour of learning with a 3-day seminar with Bo Eason, former NFL player turned actor/playwright on Broadway with his one-man show Runt of The Litter. As a storyteller, Bo is a force of nature. You feel his intensity from the moment he walks into the room. As he puts it, he’s a player, not a fan. What does that mean? Some of us are fans, always clamoring to get a selfie with someone more famous/influential than we are, sitting on the sidelines cheering, but not participating. Some of us are players; stepping up, believing we are worthy of the game, putting in the hard work it takes to be the best and not playing small. Which was I?
Being critiqued by Bo Eason

I admit it was a question I had to grapple with. When you look at life and your work through the lens of being a fan, never thinking you are on level ground with your heroes, you miss out on what it feels like to play the big game of life.
I’m now applying all I learned as I roll out several exciting new projects in the coming weeks:
- First up is a project I have been working on for years and am thrilled to announce…
This monthly membership course for hospice/palliative care managers, directors and leaders to focus on the Art and Science of being a hospice leader. Teaching the unique attributes of being a hospice leader will be central and we’ll tackle the tough issues Hospice leaders face every day; staffing, accountability, competition and Mission, Margin and more.
- My online course drawn from my book, No Mission No Margin: Creating a Successful Hospice with Care and Competence coming out next month
- THEN, my latest book, Creating a Culture of Care: Inspirations and Insights from a Hospice Leader is about to be launched!
Stay tuned!!
I’m a player, not a fan. I hope you are too.
What does it take to make a better world? Sometimes it takes an army of mission-driven grandmas…or a generous gesture from a superstar…or just a big-hearted kid who’s willing to go above and beyond to brighten someone’s day. Here, three stories that get to the heart of what “community” means and how much more we can do together than we can apart.
Need a big gulp of feel-good? Try this- with a hot slice!
(CNN) When Julie Morgan and her husband, Rich, lived in Battle Creek, Michigan, they would stop by Steve's Pizza for dinner every payday.
That was 25 years ago. To celebrate her birthday this year, the couple -- who now live in Indianapolis -- wanted to take a trip to their favorite pizza place.
Instead, they ended up in the ER, where Rich Morgan was told his cancer had worsened and that he had weeks -- maybe days -- to live. He was placed in hospice care.
Steve's Pizza doesn't deliver. But when a manager at the store heard the couple's story, he decided to take two pies to them himself -- even though they were 225 miles away.”
When it comes to superstars, sometimes, the bigger they are, the nicer they are: When a dying fan’s last wish was to hear Keith Urban sing, Keith visited his “number one fan” before a concert in Toledo, making a wish come true for this 25-year-old woman entering hospice.
Wow - what an inspiring and powerful story this one form the BBC is; a reminder of the power of community (and grandmas!). My thanks to Gael Morgan for sharing it:
“Zimbabwe is pioneering a groundbreaking mental health programme with stunning results – and the rest of the world is taking note.”
Community is important to hospice, too – and a supportive community who appreciates our work is critical to making that work possible.
Our friends at HopeHealth in Providence are celebrating a terrific turnout for an important fundraiser:
“Our Evening of Hope & Gratitude enables HopeHealth to deliver on the mission of hospice – the promise of comfort and dignity when time matters most,” stated Diana Franchitto, president & CEO of HopeHealth. “This year’s event had an amazing turnout, and we are grateful to all those who helped us reach our goal.”
Meanwhile on the other side of the country in Las Vegas, “Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Peter Cetera will be headlining the stage along with talented members of the Southern Nevada medical community this month to raise funds for the non-profit Nathan Adelson Hospice. Cetera will perform his popular hits during the “Serenades of Life – Doctors in Concert” event on Saturday, Oct. 20.”
I voted early just to beat the lines
