August 30, 2018
Moore Mission Moments - The Watershed Group


by Patti Moore


Bad bosses - they’re the inspiration for movie comedies, great literature (Charles Dickens and Shakespeare wrote more than a few) and hilarious dinner party stories. But there’s nothing funny about having a bad boss, much less being one. Bad managers drive good employees away, undermine their workplace’s success, and cost their organizations in dollars and lost institutional knowledge when those disgruntled team members move on. Good managers rally their employees to strive toward a common goal, grow loyalty for their organizations, and get – and retain - the best of the best even in a competitive labor market. We all know them when we see them – but what exactly are the qualities that separate great managers from failed ones?


I am a Predictive Index Talent Management provider and I help clients put the right people in the right seat on their bus. Predictive Index World Wide set out to answer the question definitively in This comprehensive new survey– and some of the insights it provides may surprise you. First, men and women rate about equally in terms of managerial effectiveness, with women edging out a slight preference. Second, the much-maligned Millenials turn out to be gifted managers, even when rated by Baby Boomer workers. And did you know that your employees love feedback? In fact, they’d rather have too much of it than too little, and managers who provide it often and honestly rank much higher than those who don’t. 


What makes a bad manager so bad? Poor people skills, mostly; according to respondents, bad managers play favorites (57 percent), talk down their colleagues (54 percent), and have to be right all of the time (52 percent). But the biggest complaint? They fail to set clear expectations for their team (58 percent). It makes perfect sense when you think about it, because all of these behaviors leave your employees unsure about where they stand or what they need to achieve to succeed. It’s tough to score when you can’t see the goal posts. 


And what makes a good manager so effective? For one thing, it’s the enthusiasm good managers create in those working under them. 94 percent of employees with good or great bosses say they have passion and energy for their jobs – so a good manager inspires, making good employees perform even better. Good managers model the behavior they want to encourage by displaying a great work ethic (82 percent). They’re also seen as honest (80 percent), and confident (79 percent). A sense of humor is a big plus (79 percent) as is a positive attitude, which got a similar rating. 


If you’re in the business of managing people, and especially if you’re managing managers, contact me to see how I can help you and your organization have only great bosses.  And make sure you pass this around at your workplace. It’s a great way to kick off a conversation about improving skills, and might encourage some fruitful self-reflection. And don’t forget to start with a good, long look in the mirror! Great management – like great corporate culture - starts at the top.


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So True!





The passing of Aretha Franklin just three days after entering hospice care and Senator John McCain 24 hours after "stopping treatment" prompts this author to examine why it is that patients aren’t referred to hospice sooner – and why doctors too often fail to make timely referrals.  Her conclusion? Both a lack of understanding of the roles of hospice and palliative care among both medical professionals and the public at large, plus the tendency of physicians to shy away from having those difficult conversations.


And here’s a great step toward providing that much-needed education, via a new program at Arizona State University.  “Arizona State University is helping to educate the next generation of hospice, palliative and dementia care professionals through a unique internship experience at Hospice of the Valley. As Arizona's largest hospice — and the second largest in the United States — Hospice of the Valley serves more than 10,000 patients each year. This partnership with Hospice of the Valley creates opportunities for students to serve their community through volunteer work…    


Debacker pursued the internship to learn about the care process for dementia patients and how to support their families. His wish is to enter medical school to specialize in neurology.


"I will reflect on this internship when I apply to medical school," he said. "Spending time with someone with dementia gives you an opportunity to learn an incredible amount of information. In a majority of cases, someone with a major illness will teach you things that not even a specialist can teach you. The experience is a somber reminder how fleeting life can be, and how important it is to spend it how you want, while you can." 


I’m always amazed and delighted at the creative ways good people find to show caring and love for others. This story will make you smile - guaranteed! 

 A rabbi, a writer and a stand-up comic walks into the lives of dying comedians … you haven’t heard this one before.

Rabbi Michael Fine makes a living as a humorist, but being a one-man audience for fellow comics as they near death has become his calling. Now he’s trying to raise money to buy space in a cemetery so that comics who die alone spend eternity in each other’s company.

“What I see a lot in the entertainment field is that we don’t get married, we don’t have children for whatever reason, we don’t have a 9-to-5, most are transient, we don’t have stock or annuities,” Fine said. “I’m in that life also.”




Bravo! We’re proud of all of our clients, especially because of the great examples they provide on how to be good managers.


Taking care of their caregivers is what good managers do:  “Nathan Adelson Hospice kicked off a new program focusing on employee wellness this week, provided by Zura Health. The unique new digital coaching system integrates all aspects of health and wellness and is designed to help encourage healthier lifestyles.”


And good managers make sure to recognize and reward their best employees, as does Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton:

 “Outstanding members of the Ohio’s Hospice staff are recognized every quarter with the Bouquet of Recognition Awards for going above and beyond in advocating for and serving patients. As a member of Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton’s Hospitality staff, Peggy Sue Combs is the recipient of the most recent Carnation Award, presented to staff members in clinical support roles.”



In hospice, we use this word a lot: Compassion.  But what does it really mean to you?  The dictionary says:
  1. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
But it is so much more when you are doing the work of hospice: it includes kindness, empathy, generosity and acceptance. "The strands of courage, tolerance, equanimity are equally woven into the cloth of compassion. Above all compassion is the capacity to open to the reality of suffering and to aspire to its healing. The Dalai Lama once said, ‘If you want to know what compassion is, look into the eyes of a mother or father as they cradle their sick and fevered child'” (Feldman & Kuyken, 2011)
Consider this question:   Are you demonstrating COMPASSION in each exchange with other people?  Are you demonstrating COMPASSION toward yourself?
When you show kindness and tolerance and empathy and indeed, Love, then you are able to call yourself compassionate.
Sign up for the VIP HIGH PERFORMANCE GROUP COACHING program starting fall 2018!  
This elite, intimate group coaching is powerful, challenging, open hearted and transformational.  Check out the link below!  Hope to see you in the Group this fall, 2018!
Pause, and enjoy morning at the RiverCove Retreat Center
The Watershed Group
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