July 8, 2018
Moore Mission Moments - The Watershed Group

What Does a Revolutionary Look Like?

by Patti Moore


What comes to mind when you hear someone described as a “revolutionary”?  An angry bomb-hurling renegade, overturning the established order and setting fire to it? History has plenty of those to show us, some successful and others less so; some with genuinely lofty goals, and others whose stated ideology didn’t match their actions once in power. It’s often hard to know who’s right or wrong in the heat of the moment.  Yet we need revolutionaries to point the way forward. It’s not our nature as humans to embrace change eagerly, and ideas that would have seemed outrageous a hundred or even just twenty years ago took their time becoming mainstream. It takes someone with a vision – and a will – to step up and champion those uncomfortably novel ideas, to stand up to power and most of all, to lead.


Our nation was founded by what might seem an unlikely group of revolutionaries; people who were already blessed for the most part with wealth, land, and education. Those aren’t the kinds of people we expect to see overturning the establishment – they are the establishment! Yet these founders shared a vision of a greater good, one that would bring the gift of liberty to a new nation, and ensure what they saw as inalienable rights for its citizens for generations to come. 


Dame Cecily Saunders was an unlikely sort of revolutionary. From a comfortably upper middle class background, she chose to become a champion for what she saw as a human right; the right to a death that was worthy of us, a death as painless as medicine could make it, one that allowed us to take that journey surrounded by kindness, caring, and with our dignity and wishes respected. 


“You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.” 


As a nurse and a physician, she had seen the dying, neglected and in pain, ending their days in terrible suffering, and decided it just wasn’t good enough. Like Washington, she didn’t go looking for this mission; 


            ‘I did not found hospice; hospice found me.’


And so she led a revolution, this calm, bespectacled gray-haired lady with a heart of gold and a backbone of steel. She lobbed a love bomb at the clinical indifference with we treated those at the end of life, at the very idea of dying in a hospital, and in pain – at the notion that “nothing more could be done.” 

“Suffering is only intolerable when nobody cares. One continually sees that faith in God and his care is made infinitely easier by faith in someone who has shown kindness and sympathy.”


She revolutionized how we as a society see death, dying and bereavement. It wasn’t an easy task, but it occupied her whole heart and mind.  As George Washington said, “Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.”


Great leaders have these things in common; Clarity about their vision, commitment to it, the ability to inspire others to share it, and organize those others into an effective and long-lasting effort toward reaching the vision’s goal.  Washington had these gifts, and used them to spearhead the creation of a better nation. Dame Cecily had them, too - and put them to work building a more compassionate and humane world.  


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Happy Summer no matter the weather!




It’s no accident that it took nurses with a revolutionary’s spirit to create hospices!


Nurses are natural problem-solverswith a deep understanding of what’s needed in healthcare – and when we access their experience and insights, everyone benefits. This report looks at a promising effort to get nurses’ input at the drawing board stage of invention:


Here’s another great read about an innovative nurse who’s changing the world – and wants to see nurses get the credit they deserve:  “Nurses also invented hospice care, she said, and helped develop hand sanitizer.  But in most cases, Walker said, the credit still goes to those at the top of the medical hierarchy.


She remembers working at Johns Hopkins hospital and learning that a doctor there had just won a MacArthur Genius award for developing a checklist to reduce surgical infections.


 "I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that," Walker said, "because that safety checklist was essentially something nurses had been using for decades."  Walker, 38, now runs a team at UMass that combines nursing know-how with computer science and engineering.”



How can we as hospice leaders do more to help and heal our communities? How we expand our missionclick here: “A lot of hospices see the mission as broader than providing services to family members of folks they serve,” Edo Banach, CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), told Home Health Care News. “It turns out that if there is a shooting like at the Pulse nightclub or in Las Vegas or 9/11, an emergency of any time, it’s usually the case that the local hospice ends up providing bereavement support for first responders and individuals impacted.”



Some encouraging news here about positive changes in Medicare payments and policies, proving that progress can be made when we look past our differences to work toward a common goal:



Hospice leads the way:HopeWest Hospice of Grand Junction Colorado is recognized as part of what this business expert and entrepreneur is calling the “fourth rail” of business; for profit enterprises that exist to benefit non-profits, like HopeWest’s Spoons Bistro and Bakery, which supports HopeWest's Hospice Care Center.


The Elizabeth Dole Foundation’s Hidden Heroes Fund awarded a grant in the amount of $10,000 to Jacksonville nonprofit Community Hospice & Palliative Care.Community Hospice was awarded the grant because of its innovative programs that address the needs of military and veteran caregivers, those providing home care for wounded, ill or injured service members and veterans. Hospice will partner with the Elizabeth Dole Foundation to present the Caregiver Coalition of Northeast Florida’s Caring for the Veterans Caregiver conference in September, said Susan Ponder-Stansel, president and CEO of Community Hospice & Palliative Care.




Are we ever completely sure of ourselves !00% of the time?  I know I'm not. There are times I need a steady hand to help me take the next leap.  I have come to know the power of an executive coach and the absolute need to continue the path of self-awareness and personal growth.  Just when I think I've got something mastered...it's time to take another look and see where the next expansion will lead me.
If you are ready for a challange, or if one of your employees is ready to take a new leap, I have the perfect solution for you!
I'm starting a new VIP HIGH PERFORMANCE GROUP COACHING program JULY 23, 2018!  
This elite group of not more than 10 people will meet once a week for 12 weeks via Zoom Video Conferencing. It's powerful, challenging, open hearted and transformational.  Check out the link below!  Hope to see you in the Group July 23, 2018!
Pause, and enjoy a sunset at the RiverCove Retreat Center
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