Today is the 20th anniversary of The Watershed Group. As I look back 20 years I am reminded of the fear and exhilaration I had when I stepped away from my conventional job as the executive director of the Hospice of North Central Florida (now Haven Hospice), to go out on my own.
I loved that job and I loved the people I worked with, but my soul was saying "there’s more to do!" and I could not shake that feeling. Have you ever felt so compelled to do something that you could not turn away from it?
When we begin to trust that our inner voice has wisdom and that wisdom is guided by the Divine, no matter how you define Divinity, stepping out into the unknown is less frightening.
My journey has been just that, jumping in with both feet no matter what I’m doing. From feeling overwhelmingly compelled to build the 18-bed hospice care center in Gainesville Florida and convincing the powers that be and donors that it was the right thing to do 25+ years ago. To feeling overwhelmingly compelled to start my own business because I knew there were people and leaders and Hospices out there in need of support and direction and I wanted to help them. Based on my experiences and passion for the care of the dying AND care of the staff and volunteers who do the work I jumped in with both feet and left solid ground.
That strong inner “knowing” has been my guide. I have fought it sometimes tooth and nail, but when I soften to the consideration of what my heart is compelling me to do vs listening to my logical brain, my heart is always right.

I look back at the angst I have had about so many decisions...should I or shouldn’t I take the leap or stay on firm ground? From accepting that I could author a Certificate Of Need application or be an expert witness in a trial or provide feasibility studies for hospice house development or lead retreats for boards of directors or write books or coach executives and physicians and so much more.
Each of those challenges I said no to at first. Then I would wrestle with myself and listen to my still, wise, inner voice who most often would say “yes! You can do it and why not you?” And then I would check in with my dear husband Stephen who has been my biggest supporter and wise counsel for nearly 37 years. And off I would go again...
After 20 years in my own business, I say THANK YOU to all who have believed in me, have supported me, have hired me, trusted me and given me the chance to grow and learn and contribute to the greater good. I am humbled to be here now. What an exhilarating journey it has been, SO FAR!!
As my gift to you, please join me October 16-18 at Disney World for my first Live event:
